MESAplot is an open-source, dynamical interface for plotting MESA data. It utilizes wxPython, Matplotlib, and Numpy.
It was developed by Michael Wise, Maurizio Giannotti, Daria Vasilyeva, Wesam Azaizeh, and Sanja Zivanovic
MESA (Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics) is the first broadly-used, open-source stellar evolution code. It provides low-barrier access to state-of-the-art stellar evolution modules for testing of new observations and physics. It makes lot of data--hence--MESAPlot.
It was created by Bill Paxton over a 6 year period with much community involvement.
Install Python 2.7
Use pip to get: wxPython, Matplotlib, and Numpy.
Download MESAPlot files.
Use python to run
Browse to and select a folder containing MESA data.
Click around in interface for desired plots.
Example Data
M5.5 Star, pre-main sequence to end helium burnFull-stack development
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...Services and Consulting
Born in Alaska and raised in Northeast Georgia. I studied biochemistry at Berry College (Rome, Georgia) with some focus in mathematics and physics. I then worked at Barry University (Miami, Florida) for a little over 5 years in the Department of Physical Sciences maintaining and repairing advanced chemical instrumentation, and managing the physics labs.
I recently decided to forego immediate/formal plans to attend graduate school in computational neuroscience and instead pursue technology to have a more immediate impact on the world. I am now developing websites, consulting with businesses, working with local entrepreneurs, and developing a commerical software.